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Partner with Us @ Lobster On Wheels

There are many ways to Partner with Lobster On Wheels!

Fundraising Program

Are you the person n charge of your fundraising efforts? Are you interested in hosting a lobster dinner to raise money for your needs? Partner with us to take advantage of our unique lobster related programs

Wholesale Program
Do you have a retail store or restaurant business in which you could sell or use our lobster?  Becoming a merchant is exciting and has great advantages. Our Wholesale Program offers wholesale pricing instead of a percentage off the retail price. You charge your own price and make any where from 20% - 50% markup.


Affiliate Program

Are you interested in selling lobster on your existing or newly developed website?

We are always interested in individuals or companies that would like to do business with us. We would like to discuss with you how we could benefit your company in the future. Contact David Byers at (250)-415-9628 to discuss future marketing ideas.


We want your business - we want to sell lobster across Western Canada and reach every consumer that we can - with your help. Call us today and let's develop a plan where both companies and the consumer all benefit together.